I.S. MoldData guarantees 99.982% uptime (Tier 3 uptime) and no more than 1.6 hours of downtime per year. N+1 fault tolerant providing at least 72 hour power outage protection for the infrastructure of Our Data Center.
I.S. MoldData will send a notification to You 24 hours in advance by e-mail for all scheduled maintenance and/or downtime. In case is required an urgent maintenance and/or downtime, I.S. MoldData have the right to do it without any notification.
I.S. MoldData has the right to change the API or suspend it at any time without any notification.
I.S. MoldData guarantees 24/7/365 availability of technical support. You may contact Us by phone, e-mail or by opening a support ticket.
SLA Credits
In case I.S. MoldData fail to meet the Service Availability Guarantees, You may request SLA Credits up to 10 times the fee for any period of lack of availability for a Service. This kind of credits could not be refund in cash or any other form, they could be used only for Services provided by I.S. MoldData.
In case I.S. MoldData fail to meet the Service Availability Guarantees more than 2 times within a period of 30 days, You may request SLA Credits up to 100% of the fee for past 30 days.
For receiving SLA Credits, You should send Us a request by e-mail and to specify the date, start time, duration and the amount of Credits claimed. I.S. MoldData will transfer the SLA Credits within 60 days from the request date.